Sunday, October 31, 2010


So I got a compliment about the design of my blog and decided to post a little bit about that today. Thanks rancour!

As you might have been able to figure out from my last post, I am a Computer Science major. BUT, I originally wanted to go to school for graphic design. I went with CS over GD mainly because I figured a CS degree would get me a job a hell of a lot easier than GD. Good thing I really enjoy programming because working with the adobe suite is ridiculously fun.


I created this about three years ago because I am a fan of snowboarding and it was an assignment for a class. The great thing about Photoshop is that this can be done in literally 2 minutes. So anyways, if you don't like the design of my blog, let me know how to change it. Also, refer me to sweet graphic design websites. The best ideas come from other people!


  1. I like the design, also sweet pic.

  2. It does look good, and I am no graphics designer at all.

  3. Snowboarding huh. never tried. But I do like Sleddog Snow Skates. You ever tried those? Following and supporting

  4. Looks better than something I could make in 2 hours...

  5. Counter Strike degrees? wait what :D?
    good to see fellow nerds on the interwebs :D

  6. CS is actually really interesting, it just takes a lot of patience with the troubleshooting and stuff. I couldn't handle it because of the tests, they made us write out the programs in pencil so we could never actually test it out in the program :(

  7. i like your design too.. ! thanks for the info too

  8. everything looks pretty sweet, I really like the snowboard picture

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I like it but personally I think that you should do some changing on header.

  11. I share your love for adobe-products. While I have the skills to get a fair bit done in my graphic designs, I am totally lacking creativity, which is why I'm going in a science major. If someone gives me the idea, I could probably make it, otherwise...probably not.

  12. i like the colors, go together very well

  13. Yeah it is really cool, likin the pic as well

  14. Looks great ! I love snowboarding too !

  15. I also enjoy your design. It's not too discomforting, if anything it's quite inviting.

  16. i like it..very interesting..:))

  17. Your design does infact look very cool! I like the style of it.

  18. This is a pretty cool pic. Nice job.

  19. I always like messing around in Photoshop :) Like the design too :)

  20. i've only used GIMP and minimally at most, but your GD stuff looks great!

  21. Very original design for sure. How did you get your banner color like that with rounded corners? I tried the "view image" and saw your banner actually had a fully transparent background? There are lots of css tricks I'd like to learn like that or the double attached image drop down.

  22. pretty sweet looking man. Nice work!
    you should make it into a very large poster and sell it. for cash.
