Thursday, November 11, 2010

Steve Jobs

So I hear about this a lot. If you send an email to Steve Jobs (Apple's main dude), there is a chance that he will personally reply. I've always wanted to try my luck at this and see if I could give him a cool idea or tell him an improvement.

Has anyone ever done this before? Or at least try to do this?

The reason I am asking is because I just read a story on that an iPad developer who got his app rejected actually got a phone call from Jobs. Apparently it was in regards to why it was rejected. I think that would be one of the coolest things to happen.

Steve Jobs would basically be saying "Hey, I took the time out of my day to look at and review your app. Although it is really cool and is well put together, we just can't use it at this time."

I think I would feel almost as good if not better than if my app got into the app store. But then again, there is no profit to be made on an app that took probably quite a while to write.


  1. i think most encounters with steve jobs results in a negative outcome...

  2. I guess it would be nice if it were true.

  3. I'm not sure if it's Jobs himself, or just one of his secretaries.

  4. I heard Steve Jobs is a really nice guy, so this doesn't really surprise me.

  5. Dude that would be sweet to have Steve Jobs calling. LIke, I would feel like a celebrity hearing PERSONALLY from a man worth billions of dollars. Yeah, kinda sick.

    Also, I have heard that Apple has something like $45 billion sitting in the bank as liquid assets that they can just toss around with as they please. Imagine having money like that stored away for a wicked party or a rainy day!

  6. That would be pretty cool if it happened.

  7. That would be neat.

  8. that would be pretty cool but I don't believe it

  9. never tried but i imagine they just filter legible ones and he does get around to reponding.

  10. I don't think so. But worth to try.

  11. I don't think I'd want an email from Steve Jobs telling me I'm not good enough.

  12. i wouldn't write or call that guy if you paid me to do so...

  13. I wouldn't know who the hell he was had he responded to me for something. But I do e-mail radio shows and twitter some favorite TV show hosts in hopes of response. Gotten one so far from a nobody who wrote one of my favorite web series.
