Thursday, November 18, 2010

Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager

Anybody a KiD CuDi fan? I imagine there are quite a few of your out there. Either way, his new album was released a little over a week ago. So far I've only listened to some of the songs on YouTube. But, once again, his album is one I'm going to go out and buy. The only albums I know I can go out and buy because I will like them is him and Linkin Park. Here's the album artwork:

So, if you haven't heard of KiD CuDi, look him up on YouTube. His music is very relaxing, has great beats and you can listen to it over and over. He's kind of linked with the pot heads and what not but you non-pot heads can like him too haha!


  1. I've heard of him but I wouldn't recognize his voice.

  2. Yeah, I never heard of him, but afraid if he is like Linkin park, I probably won't like him. I got sick of Linkin Park thanks to hearing his music too much.I'll probably check this guy out just for curiosity's sake.

  3. Cudi inspires me man.Love this guy he raps so real...

  4. "we aint no fucking potheads" -Dave Chapelle

  5. Meh, im not much of a fan. The only song that is okay is the "Dubstep" (I know, its not really dubstep) remix of his song Day'n'Night. He played at my school for homecoming this year. I played CS instead of watching. Was a great time!

  6. In Helicanus may you well descry Following!

  7. i didn't know the album was out, i'll have to check it out

    i don't like all his stuff, but at least its original

  8. Decided to look...not my type of sound.
